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DELHI : An 11-year-old girl was dragged into the bathroom and raped in a central school in Delhi Committed By Two Seniors

DELHI : An 11-year-old girl was raped in a central school in Delhi Committed By Two Seniors 

An 11-year-old girl was raped in a Delhi central school. This atrocity was committed by two students in grades 11 and 12. The girl's crime was to accidentally hit these two seniors. The girl was then dragged into the bathroom and raped. This was communicated to the teacher. She sided with the accused. This was revealed when the parents learned of the incident and contacted the police.

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According to the details of this horrific incident, the girl accidentally bumped into two seniors while walking to her classroom. Later, she apologized to them. They were, however, dragged into the toilet without being heard and raped.

When the girl decided to bring this to the teacher's attention, she stated that both of the accused had been expelled from school and that they should not discuss the matter outside of school. When this incident was brought to light recently, the Delhi Commission for Women responded by issuing notices to the principal and the police.

The lack of protection for girls in school, according to Swati Maliwal, chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women, is atrocious. The accused should face severe punishment. He suggested that the role of school officials be investigated.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan's regional office responded. An investigation into the incident has been launched. The school community, on the other hand, has a different point of view. While the victim girl claims she told the teacher about the incident, the girl claims that neither she nor her parents have complained to them about it.

this article was written based on social media and google search

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